Strongest Bite Force

Planet earth is home to a large species of animals with varying size and features. Animals are classified, as herbivorous and carnivorous based on their feeding habit.

Animals have teeth to break down or tear the food they eat, and their size varies based on their feeding habits. Some animals have powerful jaws that can deliver an immense bite force to break the skull of other animals.

The bite force is calculated, on the unit of a pound per square inch (PSI). The maximum bite force recorded by humans in 162 PSI. Some animals can deliver a bite for thirty times more powerful, than the human bite force.

Check out the top five animals having strongest bite force:

Top 5 Animals With Strongest Bite Force
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Polar Bear: The polar bear is a hyper carnivorous animal and is an extreme predator. They weigh about 750 kgs, with their body adapted for cold temperature having thick white fur as a protective layer.

They are good swimmers, and their mouth is well adapted to pierce the thick skin of seals and sea lions. Their paws are padded to walk silently through the cold snow.

They can sprint at a speed of 40km/hr and swim at a speed of 10km/hr. They attack humans when provoked. They possess enormous punch in their legs. They can rip apart the door of a truck with one blow of their foreleg.

A polar bear has short, but the longer skull, and have powerful jaw muscles holding large canine teeth to tear apart flesh instantaneously. They possess a bite force of 1200 PSI.Polar Bear

Gorilla: Gorilla is a herbivorous ape that is found in tropical and sub-tropical forests. They are intelligent ground-dwelling animals. Female gorilla is smaller than their male counterpart.

A troop of Gorilla is ruled by a dominant male silverback. Male silverback can weigh up to 250 kgs and are strong and muscular. They display their anger by beating their chest and severely protective of their troops.

Silverbacks develop large canine teeth with age and have powerful jaw muscle that can break open the strongest nuts with ease. They possess a bite force of 1300 PSI.


Jaguar: Jaguars are members of the feline family, and the third-largest cat only after Tigers and Lions. They are native of the South American continent and found in rain forests of South America and Mexico.

They tend to prefer forests with thick trees that serve as a canopy. They are carnivorous strong and muscular animals. Their stocky and short limb structure makes them suitable to stalk, climb and swim easily.

Jaguars are more robust and have a square head with strong canines and jaw muscles that can break a turtle shell with ease. They possess a bite force of 1500 PSI.


Hippopotamus: A hippopotamusis a large herbivorous, semi-aquatic and hairless animal, weighing up to 1500 kgs on an average. It has been found that some males can weigh as much as 3500 to 4000 kgs.

Male hippos continue to grow throughout their entire lifetime. They have strong muscular bones and have a wide opening mouth. They have the largest canine teeth in the animal kingdom measuring 50 cms, these canines have no role in their feeding and used during combat only.

The female hippos have muscular jaws, and they can crush an entire watermelon with a single bite. The female hippos have an immense bite force of 1800 PSI. The bite force of males is even greater, but has not been measured, due to their high aggressiveness.


Crocodile: Nile crocodile is the largest reptile and can grow up to 21 feet. Females are smaller than their male counterparts. Males can weigh up to 1200 Kg depending upon location and habitat.

These crocodiles are opportunistic hunters and prefer river deltas, mangrove swamps and lakes as their habitat. They have a large mouth with sharp teeth with strong muscular jaws.

They are considered, as one of the largest and fiercest amongst all the species of crocodiles. They submerge themselves underwater and approach their prey silently then pounce on them.

They have sharp conical teeth that sink into the muscles easily. They possess the strongest bite force of all the animals of about 5000 PSI that can easily crush skulls. Once caught by these crocodiles, there is hardly any chance of letting it go.

Nile Crocodile

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