Quiet firing is an unhealthy mechanism employed by the management to make the employee quit by themselves so that the company is saved from having a reputation for firing the employee.
Searching for a suitable job is the top priority for most fresh graduates or pass-outs. Those students, who pass out from a reputed institute are assisted to place themselves in an organization of their choice through campus placements.
There are different types of available jobs, some of them are government, and most of them are private jobs. Government jobs are considered to be more secure as compared to private jobs. Government jobs treat every employee based on experience and seniority. They are promoted accordingly considering their track record.
Private Jobs on the other hand provides higher salary, but they set stiff targets for employees and accordingly promote employees or fire them based on their performances.
This article focuses on the jobs related private sector after the employee has joined an organization. The assessment of a hired employee starts from the day they are hired. Each passing day provides new challenges for the employee that gives an insight into the employee to the management.
Firing an Employee
Firing refers to the reduction in the number of employees or the firing of employees. There can be mass job cuts, where the top management tries to reshuffle the team and remove the excess hired employees that were draining companies’ financial resources.
The year 2023, started with massive job cuts across different tech firms and financial organizations. Tech companies in US and India are mass firing their employees in the name of restructuring the organization. So far many employees have lost their jobs, and many are on the brink of losing theirs.
A mass layoff is one way of firing an employee; there are other ways of firing employees. One famous way of firing an employee is Quiet Firing. In this type of firing, the organization does not fire you directly. Instead, they create such an environment around a person so that staying in the company becomes suffocating and uncomfortable for them, and they are forced to resign themselves.
Quiet Firing Signals
Deserving candidate is not given a promotion and a candidate having less experience is promoted. An employee is not given the right increment on the other hand other employees are awarded handsomely. In this scenario, the overlooked employee feels uncomfortable and doesn’t know what to do.
An ecosystem is created by the management for the employee that makes the working environment of the employee suffocating. Such employees themselves decide to quit, unable to withstand the humiliation from the management. Important signals that employees should observe and check if they are a candidate for quiet firing.
- If you have no clear path of career advancement and the organization is also not willing to provide you with a career advancement path.
- The promotion is stalled, and there is no clear-cut answer from the management as to why your promotion was withheld.
- The management always tells you, that we will sit and sort out the matter and gives promises and fake reasons.
- If the same situation is repeatedly happening for an employee for the past few years, then the employee is a candidate for quiet firing.
- Another aspect of quiet firing is that your peers and juniors are getting sufficient remuneration hikes, and you are not told the reasons why you are not getting the deserving hike.
- Working on the same work and tasks repeatedly, with no challenges coming your way, and you are not getting anything new to learn and gain experience. On the other hand, your peers are provided with challenging work and new tasks. If the same thing happens repeatedly then it is a clear signal that you are seen as a candidate for quiet firing.
- Doing the repeated dull work that keeps on coming to you even after you have spoken to your manager also is a clear sign that the management does not foresee any career path for you, giving you a clear signal that the employee is a candidate for quiet firing.
- Assigning unrealistic targets to an employee that are very tough to achieve. Here the employee gets into a pattern that is bound for failure. Repeated failures provide the management with enough reasons not to provide you with any further growth.
- Imposing a lot of overhead tasks, so that as an employee you are overburdened with work while your peers are not provided any such work also is a clear signal that the management has decided not to proceed with you further, and you are a potential candidate for quiet firing.
Quiet Firing Reasons
- Reasons for Quiet Firing
- The management had already decided that the employee has reached their peak, and the capabilities and skills of the employee are not to the level that they can be promoted.
- The management does not provide the employee any feedback that they have to acquire a particular skill or knowledge to go to the next level. So the employee has no idea going forward in the organization.
- The employee sees no more growth in the organization and does not know how to grow in the organization.
- There is no plan for you in the mind of management to place you in a different role and provide the right opportunities for you.
- The management does not want to go into any confrontation with the employee, and the management has perceived that the employee has reached their peak and has nothing extra to offer.
Direct Firing
Direct firing is the process of making employees aware directly by the management either through a mail or face-to-face interaction, that their services are no longer required by the organization. Based on the terms and conditions, in such scenarios, the company pays a month’s salary before relieving an employee.
The period for this is also decided by the management, they may say that the services are no longer required from the next day or the coming week. Reputed organizations give a month’s notice to the employees so that they can search for an alternative job, as it may have a direct impact on their lives, especially employees having families and dependent kids.
This type of firing is considered healthy firing because the management communicates the reason and does not keep the hope of the employee hanging. The employee on their part can start looking out for the next job opportunity based on their area of expertise.